South Cambridge Dental files the primary and secondary insurance claims on behalf of patients and requests their insurance company to pay the dental office directly. Patients are required to pay the remaining balance if the insurance company does not pay in full payment. We cannot waive co- payments and deductibles. This payment is required at the conclusion of appointment.

We handle all billing details with the insurance company. If the insurance company denies payment to the dental office directly, the patient will be notified, and the patient will be responsible for payments to the dental office and collecting the money from their insurance company.

Walk- in and emergency patients pay the dental office and claim the money from their insurance. However, we will file the claim for you electronically.

Payment in full is due atthe time services are rendered unless prior financial arrangements have been made. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Debit and Cash. Personal cheques are not accepted.

Patients are provided with their bill and encouraged to review and understand what treatments were carried out. It is important you understand the codes and procedure taken place.

Your insurance claim form will be transmitted automatically to your carrier over the internet. A claim acknowledgement form will come directly from the insurance carrier. This form verifies that they have received your dental claim for processing, or an “explanation of benefits” form. Which indicated the exact amount of the claim which they will pay and your portion that is not covered.

Unfortunately, not all insurance companies accept electronic submission. Therefore, we may need you to sign a manual claim form for processing.

Our office is committed to helping patients maximize their benefits and insurance policies vary greatly. Therefore, you are fully responsible for knowing your own dental insurance and what you are not covered for. Treatment is recommended based on what you need NOT on what is covered by your plan.

It is not always possible for us to find all the information concerning your insurance plan, as insurance companies are not obligated to disclose any or all information us under the privacy act. We recommend that patients verify their coverage with their insurance coverage.

Insured patients are encouraged to provide us the following information about their insurance policy. If in doubt, always ask the insurance company. Information required:

  • Name of Insurance Carrier

  • Policy number, certificate number (ID)and division number (if any)•The anniversary date of the policy, for example Jan 1stor rolling calendar year

  • The annual maximum benefit per patient per year

  • The annual fee guide covered by their insurance policy (2011, 2012, and 2013 etc.)

  • Percentage of coverage for procedures (restorative, preventative, endodontics, periodontal services and all other major treatments, such as dentures and crown & bridge

  • The per person and family annual deductible amount

  • Number of scaling units covered per year and frequency etc...

As a courtesy, we will gladly send your claim electronically for you, on your behalf to your insurance company providing that your company does allow electronic submission (EDI).

A parent or guardian must accompany all minors to their dental appointments. The parent or guardian accompanying the minor is responsible for full payment. In the case of divorced or separated parents, the parent accompanying the child is responsible for payments and discussing other treatments that need to be done with there child’s mother or father. Payments must be collected the day of the appointment from the parent accompany without any exception. This office will not attempt to collect payments from the other parent that was not present the day of the appointment, therefore this is not our responsibility.

Once an appointment had been made a room is reserved specifically for you. Please respect our time and spot reserved for you. Please consider calling our office two business days to reschedule or cancel an appointment in order to avoid a $50.00 service fee.

Service charges are applied on all overdue accounts. We understand temporary financial problems may affect timely payment of your balance in some cases. In those situations, we encourage you to communicate any such problems immediately to our front desk team at 226-318-0927 they can be reached during regular business hours.